COVID Truths

Keep watching this page as I will be adding truths and adding links and complete explanations for each truth.


  1. COVID-19 didn’t come from bats.
  2. COVID-19 probably came from a lab.
  3. Tony Fauci and the NIH knowingly participated in gain-of-function research that likely created COVID-19.

PCR Test

  1. The PCR test is useless for diagnosing COVID-19.
  2. The PCR test should have never been used on asymptomatic people.
  3. The PCR test can be manipulated to inflate or decrease case numbers.
  4. The PCR tests contain a carcinogen.


  1. “Asymptomatic Spread” is a lie.
  2. COVID can possibly be spread by feces and urine.
  3. Masks are not effective tools for preventing the spread of COVID.

The Virus

  1. The symptoms were not well-defined and kept changing.
  2. Koch’s Principles were never used to isolate the COVID virus.
  3. COVID has similarities to HIV.


  1. Most COVID patients were not given any tools to lessen the virus, they were told to “come to the hospital when it gets bad.”
  2. There are treatments that work to keep people out of the hospital.
  3. Money was not spent on treatments, it was all focused on vaccines.
  4. Other countries used treatments that worked.
  5. Fake studies were published to make hydroxychloroquine look bad.
  6. Governors banned life-saving medications without good reason.
  7. Remdesivir was pushed but wasn’t the best med.
  8. There was financial incentive to push Remdesivir.
  9. Low Vitamin D levels caused many COVID deaths.
  10. Life-saving oxygen was denied to patients, even though authorities knew it was what patients needed.
  11. Ventilators shouldn’t be used for the majority of COVID cases.
  12. If you get COVID and your doctor isn’t willing to give you a protocol of at-home treatments, do this.

Case Counts

  1. COVID Cases have been inflated.
  2. Most hospitals were not over-run with COVID patients, ever.
  3. The media portrayed the very worst hospital situations, and those particular hospitals are always chaotic.
  4. Hospitals were given kickbacks if they had patients who were diagnosed with COVID.
  5. Mainstream media exaggerated COVID and many people believe the exaggerations.
  6. Doctors who spoke out about the exaggerations were silenced.


  1. Governor Andrew Cuomo is responsible for the death of nursing home residents because he placed COVID patients in with them.
  2. The overall death rate did not increase because of COVID.
  3. The average age of death did not change because of COVID.
  4. COVID Death counts have been inflated.
  5. Many people were surprised to see “COVID” on their loved one’s death certificate when they died from another cause.

Lock Downs & Quarantine

  1. Stay-at-Home orders did not “flatten the curve” or save any lives.
  2. Shutting down businesses hurt our economy (aka the people).
  3. Businesses around the United States closed down permanently.
  4. The very businesses that supported stay-home orders made the most money during that time.
  5. Isolating nursing home residents was cruel and damaging.
  6. COVID restrictions caused people to die while waiting for essential medical procedures.
  7. Lock Downs & Quarantine caused psychological damage to people.

Young People

  1. Children and young people have low risk of COVID.
  2. Closing schools was unnecessary.

The Messages

  1. Free thought and exploration of treatments was not encouraged.
  2. We didn’t have a task force of doctors who were actually treating patients.
  3. The doctors who have tried to share treatments have been silenced.
  4. The messages across the world have been synchronized.
  5. COVID variants have been exaggerated.


  1. Natural immunity to COVID is real and long-lasting.
  2. Herd immunity is real, and no, it’s not only from vaccination.
  3. The WHO conveniently changed the definition of “Herd Immunity,” just in time for the COVID vaccine.

The “Vaccine”

  1. The shot isn’t a true “vaccine.”
  2. Some were manufactured using aborted fetal cells.
  3. They have been studying this injection for two decades.
  4. In trials, animals who were injected then exposed to the wild virus did not do well.
  5. This technology has not been injected into humans before.
  6. They are not FDA approved.
  7. They do not stop transmission.
  8. They were rushed and not tested well.
  9. They were never tested for fertility.
  10. They are hurting people and causing permanent damage.
  11. The manufacturers are making billions of dollars.
  12. The manufacturers have a bad rap sheet and are criminals.
  13. They are a product that is being promoted with propaganda by the government.
  14. They contain nanotechnology.

The “Vaccine” Trials

  1. There is no longer a placebo group.
  2. The trials are ongoing (in other words, everyone getting the jab today is in the trial).
  3. They hid breakthrough cases.

Side Effects of the “Vaccine”

  1. There have been thousands of deaths from the shots.
  2. While every possible death was linked to COVID without question, every possible death from the “vaccine” is being excused.
  3. They are causing miscarriages.
  4. The shots given to nursing moms are hurting their babies.
  5. They seem to be most dangerous for young people.
  6. They are dangerous for those who have natural immunity.
  7. They are possibly shedding and hurting those who did not get them.
  8. The manufacturers are not liable for injury or death they cause.
  9. Some insurance companies refuse to cover COVID “vaccine injury” claims.
  10. The risks of the shots are being silenced.
  11. They teach the body to create the dangerous spike protein and this protein can go anywhere in the body.
  12. We don’t know what COVID “vaccines” will cause in the future.

Vaccine Mandates

  1. Employers cannot force employees to get a shot that is not FDA approved.
  2. It is unlawful for the government to mandate a vaccine.
  3. What to do if your company mandates the COVID vaccine.

The Players

  1. The WHO is funded by people with bad intentions.
  2. COVID was planned.
  3. The propaganda and censorship was planned.
  4. COVID is being used as an excuse to begin the Great Global Reset.
  5. The next big media push will be Climate Change.

What We Do Now

  1. We should stop complying with mandates.
  2. We need to protest.