Keep watching this page as I will be adding truths and adding links and complete explanations for each truth.
- COVID-19 didn’t come from bats.
- COVID-19 probably came from a lab.
- Tony Fauci and the NIH knowingly participated in gain-of-function research that likely created COVID-19.
PCR Test
- The PCR test is useless for diagnosing COVID-19.
- The PCR test should have never been used on asymptomatic people.
- The PCR test can be manipulated to inflate or decrease case numbers.
- The PCR tests contain a carcinogen.
- “Asymptomatic Spread” is a lie.
- COVID can possibly be spread by feces and urine.
- Masks are not effective tools for preventing the spread of COVID.
The Virus
- The symptoms were not well-defined and kept changing.
- Koch’s Principles were never used to isolate the COVID virus.
- COVID has similarities to HIV.
- Most COVID patients were not given any tools to lessen the virus, they were told to “come to the hospital when it gets bad.”
- There are treatments that work to keep people out of the hospital.
- Money was not spent on treatments, it was all focused on vaccines.
- Other countries used treatments that worked.
- Fake studies were published to make hydroxychloroquine look bad.
- Governors banned life-saving medications without good reason.
- Remdesivir was pushed but wasn’t the best med.
- There was financial incentive to push Remdesivir.
- Low Vitamin D levels caused many COVID deaths.
- Life-saving oxygen was denied to patients, even though authorities knew it was what patients needed.
- Ventilators shouldn’t be used for the majority of COVID cases.
- If you get COVID and your doctor isn’t willing to give you a protocol of at-home treatments, do this.
Case Counts
- COVID Cases have been inflated.
- Most hospitals were not over-run with COVID patients, ever.
- The media portrayed the very worst hospital situations, and those particular hospitals are always chaotic.
- Hospitals were given kickbacks if they had patients who were diagnosed with COVID.
- Mainstream media exaggerated COVID and many people believe the exaggerations.
- Doctors who spoke out about the exaggerations were silenced.
- Governor Andrew Cuomo is responsible for the death of nursing home residents because he placed COVID patients in with them.
- The overall death rate did not increase because of COVID.
- The average age of death did not change because of COVID.
- COVID Death counts have been inflated.
- Many people were surprised to see “COVID” on their loved one’s death certificate when they died from another cause.
Lock Downs & Quarantine
- Stay-at-Home orders did not “flatten the curve” or save any lives.
- Shutting down businesses hurt our economy (aka the people).
- Businesses around the United States closed down permanently.
- The very businesses that supported stay-home orders made the most money during that time.
- Isolating nursing home residents was cruel and damaging.
- COVID restrictions caused people to die while waiting for essential medical procedures.
- Lock Downs & Quarantine caused psychological damage to people.
Young People
The Messages
- Free thought and exploration of treatments was not encouraged.
- We didn’t have a task force of doctors who were actually treating patients.
- The doctors who have tried to share treatments have been silenced.
- The messages across the world have been synchronized.
- COVID variants have been exaggerated.
- Natural immunity to COVID is real and long-lasting.
- Herd immunity is real, and no, it’s not only from vaccination.
- The WHO conveniently changed the definition of “Herd Immunity,” just in time for the COVID vaccine.
The “Vaccine”
- The shot isn’t a true “vaccine.”
- Some were manufactured using aborted fetal cells.
- They have been studying this injection for two decades.
- In trials, animals who were injected then exposed to the wild virus did not do well.
- This technology has not been injected into humans before.
- They are not FDA approved.
- They do not stop transmission.
- They were rushed and not tested well.
- They were never tested for fertility.
- They are hurting people and causing permanent damage.
- The manufacturers are making billions of dollars.
- The manufacturers have a bad rap sheet and are criminals.
- They are a product that is being promoted with propaganda by the government.
- They contain nanotechnology.
The “Vaccine” Trials
- There is no longer a placebo group.
- The trials are ongoing (in other words, everyone getting the jab today is in the trial).
- They hid breakthrough cases.
Side Effects of the “Vaccine”
- There have been thousands of deaths from the shots.
- While every possible death was linked to COVID without question, every possible death from the “vaccine” is being excused.
- They are causing miscarriages.
- The shots given to nursing moms are hurting their babies.
- They seem to be most dangerous for young people.
- They are dangerous for those who have natural immunity.
- They are possibly shedding and hurting those who did not get them.
- The manufacturers are not liable for injury or death they cause.
- Some insurance companies refuse to cover COVID “vaccine injury” claims.
- The risks of the shots are being silenced.
- They teach the body to create the dangerous spike protein and this protein can go anywhere in the body.
- We don’t know what COVID “vaccines” will cause in the future.
Vaccine Mandates
- Employers cannot force employees to get a shot that is not FDA approved.
- It is unlawful for the government to mandate a vaccine.
- What to do if your company mandates the COVID vaccine.
The Players
- The WHO is funded by people with bad intentions.
- COVID was planned.
- The propaganda and censorship was planned.
- COVID is being used as an excuse to begin the Great Global Reset.
- The next big media push will be Climate Change.
What We Do Now
- We should stop complying with mandates.
- We need to protest.