
Hi, I’m Verity!

Here’s what you should know about me:

  • I am a born again Christian, which means that I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth as a human but was fully God and died for my sins and your sins in a terrible death on a cross. I am unashamed of my faith and will share it boldly throughout this site.
  • I’ve been scribbling words since I was a little girl and always knew that I was going to be a writer.
  • TRUTH matters to me, and I search for it, unpack it, analyze it, chew it up and share it the best I can.
  • I don’t watch the news. I believe it is exaggerated, sensationalist, depressing, fear-mongering propaganda.
  • I believe that in 2020 and 2021, the mainstream media (owned by some of the wealthiest people in our nation) has been incredibly dishonest with us and so many well-meaning people have fallen into the trap.
  • Spreadsheets are one of my favorite hobbies. I organize my whole life with them and I analyze data, sort information, and bring clarity to data with spreadsheets.
  • One of my missions in life is to be a catalyst for change. I read it on one of my personality profiles once and it stuck with me–I really do care about making a big difference in the world. If I can open people’s eyes, provide proof of truths all in one place or keep people from making potentially terrible choices, this site will be a success.
  • I vote Republican, though I do not embrace all Republican ideals or all Republicans’ actions.
  • I do not follow Q. Sorry if that disappoints you. I looked it all up, out of curiosity. While I believe some of the Q ideas have some merit, I have a hard time believing quite a bit of it. Honestly, I worry that Q fans are making those on the left stop listening to the sensible, fact-driven people on the right who have important things to say. They blow us off because some of the Q theories are so “out there” and easy to make memes out of.
  • No matter what reason anyone presents to me, I am always against killing a baby, at any stage, in the womb. I believe a baby is a life from conception and that abortion is murder, period.
  • Abortion and so many other issues that are CLEAR sins have become gradually “normal” in this world. This is proof to me that we are on track, moving towards end times. I don’t know the day or the hour, but I do know that we’re getting closer. This world is not all there is, and I believe that having a relationship with Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that will get us through what’s coming and that He will take us to meet Him face to face in His good timing. I look forward to that day! There is no more time to mess around or play games with God, and you can’t “fake it ’til you make it.” Get serious with Him, today. Don’t wait.
  • I care more about sharing truth than not offending you, sorry. On this site, I promise to do my very best to be unwaveringly true and to avoid catering to the feelings or opinions of people.
  • That said, I do hope you enjoy this site! Do keep me updated on all of the great links, resources and videos you’ve seen. (Just not the Q stuff, please ;)) Feel free to leave comments under my posts!