Tag: Kids and COVID

  • Best States to Move to If You Hated School Closures

    Sadly, it seems as if every state’s governor shut down schools at the beginning of the COVID situation. It’s crazy, considering the low chance of children contracting the virus. Some opened earlier than others, let’s take a look at that. Also, which states kept schools closed for more than a year? Let’s take a look at what was happening in each state by Spring of 2021.

    States Where Some In-Person Activities or Instruction Were Happening by Summer 2020 (+1)

    • Alabama-Graduation ceremonies by May 11, in-person instruction resumed by Fall 2020
    • Iowa-Could resume normal activities by July 1, 2020
    • Montana-In person instruction allowed by May 7, 2020

    States Where Governors Required Schools to Open by Spring 2021 (+3)

    These are the VERY BEST! The governors decided that children are important and recognized that their chance of catching the virus is very low.

    States Where Governors Allowed Districts to Decide by Spring 2021 (+1)

    These are the second best states, but I still consider this a positive. In a free country, these governors recognized the individual power of each district (and the parents in the community who can gather at meetings, vote, and hopefully influence the district’s decision).

    States with Partial School Closures Still in Effect by Spring 2021 (Too Long!)(-1)

    When did schools open in your state and city? Do you wish they opened sooner?

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  • There is No Reason to Give Children the COVID Vaccine and it May Be Dangerous

    This is the current survival rate of the COVID-19 virus, and we know it’s even better than this because *SO MANY* people don’t even want a swab up their nose to test, so the case #’s are actually much higher.

    The media has been fear-mongering. I seriously do not understand how/why at all, anyone, anywhere, would want to sign their *children* up for the experimental shot given this very simple math. We don’t know the long-term effects of the vaccine and the companies have a terrible rap sheet. It’s playing Russian roulette with your child’s LIFE. When the alternative is 99.98% great–an A+, in my book, that your child and everyone around them will be just fine without it, why do this to them? 🙁

    The chance of a child dying of or even being hospitalized with COVID is SO low! As of May 19, 2021:

    New Research Suggests Number of Kids Hospitalized for COVID Is Overcounted

    Some are stating that they are vaccinating their children in order to protect their elderly family members. But, the chance of children sharing the virus with their grandparents is also unlikely: School Children Don’t Spread Coronavirus, French Study Shows. Another study from February 2021 confirms the same information: Study: Children less likely to catch, spread COVID-19. (You can find the official study here)

    There is No Way to Know the Long-Term Effects of the COVID Vaccine On Children

    We know for certain that no long-term studies have been completed. With this information in mind, here are some things we don’t know if the vaccine will cause:

    • Leukemia
    • Cancer
    • Heart Disease
    • Infertility
    • Birth Defects in Future Children
    • Autoimmune Disease
    • Thyroid Problems
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • ALS
    • Dementia
    • Connective Tissue Disease
    • Premature Death
    • Etc.

    This list could really go on and on, listing every possible disease known to man, because the truth is that we just don’t know what these shots are going to do long-term. This isn’t fear mongering, stating that the shot is “Russian roulette” or posting this list of possible long-term consequences. This is truth: nobody can guarantee that any of these vaccines are completely safe. They just can’t. Why risk your kids’ lives and futures?

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    Keep your kids safe! (To do so, you may want to keep them home).