Now, the symptoms of coronavirus are the following: high fever, cough, the loss of smell and taste. This is very important. Very few things do this. If someone all of a sudden suddenly loses smell and taste, it’s coronavirus until proven otherwise. You can have diarrhea, you can have muscle aches and difficulty breathing, these are all symptoms of coronavirus. So if someone feels the symptoms, in my opinion, don’t wait until day four or five, go to the doctor day one or two just to be safe.
And I can tell you, if you look across the array of White House Task Force members we’ve had, regular media doctors that we’ve had, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, we haven’t had a single doctor who has considerable experience in treating outpatient COVID-19, not a one.
And, finally, Senator Johnson asked him [Fauci] the loaded question: “Doctor, have you ever treated a patient with COVID-19?” And he says, “No, I haven’t.” And on our panel we had George Fareed, who had treated hundreds upon hundreds. His partner Brian Tyson has treated thousands. I’ve treated over a hundred, and I’ve advised on several hundred more. I mean, we have vast experience that is untapped. And to this day, I’ve never had a call from a formal government agency board to say, “Listen, what’s your opinion?” I’ve had plenty of back calls from officials, staffers, others who get sick. “Oh, what can we do? What can we take?”
THIS, my friends, is the very definition of propaganda. Why does anyone, anywhere, want to see COVID vaccine reminders on their fast food cup? Who ever thought of this idea?
Perhaps McDonalds customers were an untapped market for Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson? Marketers are brilliant, and especially the marketers who work at giant, well-paying pharmaceutical companies–and those that work for McDonalds. They’ve also advertised the possibility of winning free Big Macs for a year if you get the COVID shot. Say what?! I thought this was a public health crisis? But we are steering people to McDonalds for Big Macs? Something isn’t adding up.
The more propaganda like this that I see, the fishier this whole situation becomes. Why the push to get so many people “vaccinated” for a disease with a .02% chance of death? This campaign was announced (this is an ad campaign, selling a product, folks) on May 11th. As of May 31st, at least 50% of every human living in the entire United States, has had at least one shot. 48% of all people ages 12 and up are fully vaccinated. That’s A LOT of people! Why advertiseat McDonalds to get even more?
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I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
What does this ad campaign say about McDonalds customers?
What do you think about having a president who partners with a fast-food company that is known for supersizing fries, corn syrup-laden beverages and humans?
Do you think that people will do what their McD’s diet coke cup tells them to do?
This was posted by the Oregon Health Authority on Facebook here. The interesting thing about this picture is that every single one of these points also applies to the vaccine. Let’s take a look.
Let’s talk about these risks.
1. Risk serious illness or death.
Vaers, the reporting system in the United States (which is under-used) currently has 262,521 reports about the COVID-19 “vaccine,” including 4,406 deaths. Source
This admission of “We don’t know” has been pretty rare through this pandemic. Most of the time, the CDC and the WHO spoke so confidently about the “Science” even though everything was brand new. Yet they’ve admitted, they really don’t know how common “breakthrough” cases happen.
4. Can spread COVID-19 to others.
Another truth about the “vaccine.” I read one article stating that tranrsmittability wasn’t even a consideration in the vaccine studies. I would need to read through the initial studies to confirm this. Also, the CDC said this: “Vaccinated people could potentially still get COVID-19 and spread it to others.” Source
5. May have long-term effects from COVID-19.
There are also long-term effects of the vaccine. There have been 1,598 heart attacks, 511 miscarriages and 1222 cases of Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet from the shots in the United States so far. There have been so many other side effects as well! And the truth is, we just don’t know what this will do to vaccine recipients in the future. The quick studies couldn’t have caught effects like cancer or autoimmune diseases, because those would show up much later. It’s new technology mixed with chemicals, and we don’t know what will happen because of these shots in the future.
Catching the virus and getting the shot seem to have the exact same risks. Except: there are more unknowns with the shot. Let’s call this post what it is: propaganda. The scary thing is that the same propaganda is being shared by nearly every state and country in the world and almost everywhere we look.
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Beware of false advertisements about this highly profitable product!
paying for ad space online, in your town, on commercials?
bribing people to follow their ways, with donuts, money, etc.?
censoring any message that is different?
making sure that every site you go to has the same “important information”?
setting up internet searches so they all find the same info?
telling you not to question their science, because it’s settled?
discouraging you from looking at any ill-effects of their way of doing things?
knocking down those who disagree, with name-calling and generalizations that those who think differently are stupid?
I’m seeing people use the phrase “anti-vax propaganda,” but I think we really have to look at what propaganda is. What’s the REAL propaganda here?
I am fine with you having a different view about the v from me. You can take it if you choose. You can try to convince your relatives to take it, too. I don’t mind if you share the evidence of your way of thinking on social media. It does not offend me that you think differently from me.
BUT it seems like my way of thinking, thinking differently, questioning the propaganda and the groupthink, offends a lot of people. Many have fallen into believing the lie that “censorship = safety.” No, censorship equals a loss of freedom, a loss of individualality, and censorship is one of the main ways people with bad intentions gain control over a group. Please look through any undesirable and embarassing history–censorship usually played a role.
Just watch how so-called “anti-vaxxers,” those who question the way the group has been told to think (via propaganda), when they simply ask a *question* on a public forum. People pounce on those who think differently or ask questions that go against the narrative. Its SCARY, guys!!! In the last year, we’ve become a society where different ways of thinking are considered “conspiracies” and “misinformation” and “dangerous.” Say that sentence out loud and really think about it. Do you believe those who think differently from you and share their thoughts are *dangerous*?
If so, we’ve become a dystopian society like the one in Fahrenheit 451. Take away people’s ability to think and question and speak, and you take away their freedom. You take away their humanity.
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Watch for the propaganda today! Comment below and tell me all about what you saw.