Tag: Marketing Vaccines

  • Shame Award: States Offering Prizes to Vaccine Recipients

    Placing a carrot in front of a bunny is coercion. It’s a method of getting the bunny to go where you want him to go, or do what you want him to do. Coercion in medicine is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which has been in place ever since the Nazis experimented on Jewish people in World War II. All brands of the current COVID “vaccine” are experimental shots, and every human receiving these shots is currently in a medical trial, though many do not know this. Some of the governors in the United States of America are acting shamefully and, like Nazi leadership, they are violating the Nuremberg Code and coercing US citizens into a medical experiment. In this post, I plan to call out each of these governors, and these states will receive -3 points, because this coercion is too far and is abusive to American citizens.

    The Following States Have Governors Who are Coercing American Citizens to Participate in a Medical Trial with Money or Other Types of Prizes:

    The Following States Have Governors Who are Particularly Evil: They are Coercing Young People to Get Vaccinated in Hope of Winning a Free College Scholarship

    Note that I believe that governors who are offering college scholarships to young people who participate in the experiment are particularly EVIL. Those states will receive an additional -3 points!

    Did your governor coerce the residents of your state?

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  • McDonalds is Bringing Us COVID Health Information?

    Article: McDonald’s partners with the Biden Administration to provide trusted, independent information on COVID-19 vaccines

    THIS, my friends, is the very definition of propaganda. Why does anyone, anywhere, want to see COVID vaccine reminders on their fast food cup? Who ever thought of this idea?

    Perhaps McDonalds customers were an untapped market for Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson? Marketers are brilliant, and especially the marketers who work at giant, well-paying pharmaceutical companies–and those that work for McDonalds. They’ve also advertised the possibility of winning free Big Macs for a year if you get the COVID shot. Say what?! I thought this was a public health crisis? But we are steering people to McDonalds for Big Macs? Something isn’t adding up.

    The more propaganda like this that I see, the fishier this whole situation becomes. Why the push to get so many people “vaccinated” for a disease with a .02% chance of death? This campaign was announced (this is an ad campaign, selling a product, folks) on May 11th. As of May 31st, at least 50% of every human living in the entire United States, has had at least one shot. 48% of all people ages 12 and up are fully vaccinated. That’s A LOT of people! Why advertise at McDonalds to get even more?

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    I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    • What does this ad campaign say about McDonalds customers?
    • What do you think about having a president who partners with a fast-food company that is known for supersizing fries, corn syrup-laden beverages and humans?
    • Do you think that people will do what their McD’s diet coke cup tells them to do?

    Tell me what you think!