I know I spoke to a few emergency room doctors. They’re seeing a lot of child abuse, much more than usual. And spousal abuse, much more than usual, unfortunately.
Dr. Zelenko, Source
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I know I spoke to a few emergency room doctors. They’re seeing a lot of child abuse, much more than usual. And spousal abuse, much more than usual, unfortunately.
Dr. Zelenko, Source
This page is incomplete and will be added to.
One of the ways that most governors
There were only two states where governors did not shut down restaurants.
These two states get a positive score:
Every other state has earned a negative score, because their governors decided to shut down restaurants.
Like Hitler, governors throughout the country decided which businesses were “essential” and “non-essential,” therefore, impacting the livelihoods of the residents of their state. Let’s face it: all businesses are essential to the people who need to work there in order to have housing and food. Shutting down people’s businesses and telling them that they could not provide for their families was the ultimate form of government-overreach.
The states where “non-essential” businesses were not shut down get a positive point. They were:
Every other state gets a negative point on my spreadsheet because the governors did shut down “non-essential” businesses.
The result of these shut downs, naturally, was the loss of businesses. I think it’s important to consider the people behind the businesses. In every situation where a business closed, there was at least one human involved, likely several. The closure of each business leads to the loss of income, the loss of a dream, the loss of identity, and potentially the loss of food on the table and the loss of housing. Every business closure is a big deal. Each state with less than 150 businesses lost per million residents earns one point on my spreadsheet, each stated with 150 to 200 businesses lost per million earns a “0” and each state with 200 or more businesses lost per million residents earns a negative point.
States Where Few Businesses Permanently Closed (+3 points)
States Where Less than 150 Businesses Per Million Permanently Closed (+1 point)
States Where Less than 200 Businesses Per Million Permanently Closed (+0 points)
States Where More than 200 Businesses Per Million Permanently Closed (-1 point)
States Where More than 250 Businesses Per Million Permanently Closed (-2 points)
States Where More than 300 Businesses Per Million Permanently Closed (-3 points)
As businesses and schools were being shut down because of COVID-19, every governor in the country also mandated that gatherings of people be restricted. This shouldn’t have ever happened, because America is a FREE country and we should be FREE to meet with whomever we want, whenever we want to. The restrictions were so ridiculous, in fact, that according to their state’s mandate, some large families shouldn’t have even been in the same house. The “One size, fits all” approach to gatherings across a state had no logic behind it and was, in my opinion, another one of those “crazy COVID rules.”
Let’s take a look at which states allowed for the largest gatherings, though. These states get the highest score, in my book. The states where gatherings were banned entirely or reduced to five or ten people each get a negative point.
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Sadly, it seems as if every state’s governor shut down schools at the beginning of the COVID situation. It’s crazy, considering the low chance of children contracting the virus. Some opened earlier than others, let’s take a look at that. Also, which states kept schools closed for more than a year? Let’s take a look at what was happening in each state by Spring of 2021.
These are the VERY BEST! The governors decided that children are important and recognized that their chance of catching the virus is very low.
These are the second best states, but I still consider this a positive. In a free country, these governors recognized the individual power of each district (and the parents in the community who can gather at meetings, vote, and hopefully influence the district’s decision).
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If you’re considering a move, you might want to steer away from states whose governors required residents to stay at home for long periods of time.
For those who say that stay at home orders were not political, I have colored each state red or blue based on whether the state has a republican or democrat governor. Has it been political? Check it out.
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