Best States to Move to If You Like to Gather with Friends and Family

As businesses and schools were being shut down because of COVID-19, every governor in the country also mandated that gatherings of people be restricted. This shouldn’t have ever happened, because America is a FREE country and we should be FREE to meet with whomever we want, whenever we want to. The restrictions were so ridiculous, in fact, that according to their state’s mandate, some large families shouldn’t have even been in the same house. The “One size, fits all” approach to gatherings across a state had no logic behind it and was, in my opinion, another one of those “crazy COVID rules.”

Let’s take a look at which states allowed for the largest gatherings, though. These states get the highest score, in my book. The states where gatherings were banned entirely or reduced to five or ten people each get a negative point.

States Where Governors Allowed for the Largest Gatherings

States Where Governors Restricted Gatherings to 11 or Fewer People

States Where Governors Banned Gatherings Entirely

Were you able to gather with your friends and family? Which state would you choose from this list?

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