Tag: COVID-19 Natural Immunity

  • What the Virus and the Jab Have in Common

    What the Virus and the Jab Have in Common

    This was posted by the Oregon Health Authority on Facebook here. The interesting thing about this picture is that every single one of these points also applies to the vaccine. Let’s take a look.

    Let’s talk about these risks.

    1. Risk serious illness or death.

    Vaers, the reporting system in the United States (which is under-used) currently has 262,521 reports about the COVID-19 “vaccine,” including 4,406 deaths. Source

    2. Don’t know how effective immunity will be.

    This is true of the “vaccine” as well. In fact, look at this headline from February 2021: Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says. And then this one, published May 29, 2021: Moderna and Pfizer are already developing COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Do we need a third shot?.

    3. May get COVID-19 again within a few months.

    Breakthrough cases are a real thing and are underreported. This article is informative: ‘Breaking Through’ — States Report Growing Number of COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated. Also, it’s useful to look at the graphs of COVID cases and also look at the dates when the vaccine campaigns began in each state. I may write a post about this soon. In the meantime, look at the wording on this CDC page: What You Should Know About the Possibility of COVID-19 Illness After Vaccination.

    This admission of “We don’t know” has been pretty rare through this pandemic. Most of the time, the CDC and the WHO spoke so confidently about the “Science” even though everything was brand new. Yet they’ve admitted, they really don’t know how common “breakthrough” cases happen.

    4. Can spread COVID-19 to others.

    Another truth about the “vaccine.” I read one article stating that tranrsmittability wasn’t even a consideration in the vaccine studies. I would need to read through the initial studies to confirm this. Also, the CDC said this: “Vaccinated people could potentially still get COVID-19 and spread it to others.” Source

    5. May have long-term effects from COVID-19.

    There are also long-term effects of the vaccine. There have been 1,598 heart attacks, 511 miscarriages and 1222 cases of Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet from the shots in the United States so far. There have been so many other side effects as well! And the truth is, we just don’t know what this will do to vaccine recipients in the future. The quick studies couldn’t have caught effects like cancer or autoimmune diseases, because those would show up much later. It’s new technology mixed with chemicals, and we don’t know what will happen because of these shots in the future.

    Catching the virus and getting the shot seem to have the exact same risks. Except: there are more unknowns with the shot. Let’s call this post what it is: propaganda. The scary thing is that the same propaganda is being shared by nearly every state and country in the world and almost everywhere we look.

    Feel free to share this image on social media:

    Beware of false advertisements about this highly profitable product!

  • COVID Vaccines May Be Harmful to those with Natural Immunity

    A pro-shot doctor, Hooman Noorchashm, MD, has explained the dangers of this shot for people who already had the disease (even asymptomatic) SO WELL. According to this doctor, everyone should be having antibody tests done before receiving the shot, or they risk significant clotting issues and possibly death. (this is only part of his letter to the FDA and CDC):

    “As an immunologist with a good understanding of how antigen specific immune responses could cause organ and tissue specific damage, I am recommending to you, as our lead FDA regulators, not to gloss over the real possibility that vaccinating persons with pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 viral antigens in their tissues could cause that subset of people grave immunological harm — and especially the frail with cardiovascular disease.Additionally, if the immunological risk I am prognosticating herein is in reality material, over the next months as millions more Americans are immunized, it will become quite visible to the public.

    Can you imagine if the public, without having received any real warning from FDA, becomes aware of an increasing number of such vascular/thromboembolic complications following vaccination? What do you suppose will happen to the level of “vaccine hesitancy” then? And, what kind of accountability do you think the public will demand from our experts and federal regulators — especially if they knew, or should have known, that this immunological danger might exist?

    The aim of benefiting the majority of our public and saving the nation from this pandemic by quick and aggressive vaccination is an ethically sound one — but where we know of real or likely risks of harm and mortality, we ought to robustly mitigate the risks to those in potential harms way. So doing is the only reasonable, ethical, and likely legal option you can pursue as public health regulators — for in America, we no longer sacrifice the lives of minority subsets of people for the benefit of the majority. In America we specialize in ethically balancing majority good with the defense of the rights of individuals to life, liberty and property.

    Drs. Woodcock and Marks, a professor of mine in medical school used to tell his students “the eyes do not see what the mind does not know”….Thromboembolic complications, within days to weeks following activation of a vaccine induced antigen specific immune response, in elderly frail vasculopaths, will not register as classical “vaccine related complications”….Nor will inflammatory COVID-19 like diseases triggered by vaccination of the infected. But SARS-CoV-2 is a virus with tropism for the vascular endothelium and many other tissues….So, our Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could easily direct an antigen specific immune attack to the very target organs and tissues harboring viral antigens from recent or current infection.

    I ask that you carefully and wisely consider my immunological prognostication and warning here — FDA, Pfizer and Moderna ought not miss this projected risk of harm to what is a daily increasing proportion of the population during this ongoing pandemic. Vaccinating patients with occult SARS-CoV-2 infections or lingering viral antigens, is a clear and present potential danger to the health of these patients.”

    A Letter of Warning To FDA And Pfizer: On The Immunological Danger Of COVID-19 Vaccination In The Naturally Infected.

    Dr. Noorchashm wrote another post about this in February 2021: Already Had A COVID-19 Infection Or Think You Did? Don’t Rush To Get The Vaccine — It May Not Be Safe For You. I wish that everyone who is considering getting the shot would read this information! Thank you, Dr. Noorchashm, your information is going to save lives.

    There is a video of Dr. Noorchashm speaking here.

    Moral of the story: if you’ve had the virus (or even if you haven’t, I think), avoid the shot.