I know I spoke to a few emergency room doctors. They’re seeing a lot of child abuse, much more than usual. And spousal abuse, much more than usual, unfortunately.
Dr. Zelenko, Source
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I know I spoke to a few emergency room doctors. They’re seeing a lot of child abuse, much more than usual. And spousal abuse, much more than usual, unfortunately.
Dr. Zelenko, Source
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For example, I know someone who’s got a heart attack, uh, when he needed a stent, but he couldn’t get a stent because the capability it was shut down and the local hospitals and so there’s many, many, it’s going to be hard to quantify, but there’s the damage that the shutdown of this country has done is not yet and will not be known for many years.
Dr. Zelenko, Source
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If you’re considering a move, you might want to steer away from states whose governors required residents to stay at home for long periods of time.
For those who say that stay at home orders were not political, I have colored each state red or blue based on whether the state has a republican or democrat governor. Has it been political? Check it out.
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