Hydroxychloroquine is Beneficial for COVID When Used Early

Hydroxychloroquine has Been Used Safely For Years

Look at the hypocrisy that is being done. These drugs have been used for a millions of patients for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and malaria, malaria prophylaxis. Even to this day, notice that there’s no warnings to these patients that they shouldn’t take the medication. Only if you take this medication for COVID-19 does it kill people?

Dr. Zelenko, Source

Hydroxychloroquine has Successfully Been Used to Treat Sars CoV-2

COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study

Other Countries Used Hydroxychloroquine

India early on back in March said, “Hydroxychloroquine. We use it for malaria. We use it for rheumatoid arthritis. It has a mild antiviral activity. Let’s use it for prophylaxis.” India ultimately front-lined hydroxychloroquine as their basic treatment and prevention approach. So did Italy, initially. Italy did this. They reversed their approach midway. Realized their mistake, went back to hydroxychloroquine frontline. Greece had hydroxychloroquine frontline.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Source

But the unique thing in Africa is there’s widespread use of hydroxychloroquine. They use it for malaria prophylaxis, anyway.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Source

So the information exists. It exists on multiple, in multiple continents. I can point it out to you. Um, first of all, all of India is using it. I just found out.

Australia, there’s an Australian billionaire. His name is Clive Palmer. You can look them up. He’s worth four and a half billion dollars. He donated 32 million pills of hydroxychloroquine to the government of Australia and they’ve administered these medications in the hospital setting, but early, not to patients that are on respirators. They have some of the lowest death rates in the world. Look it up. Um, Italy, um, April 6th started using hydroxychloroquine and their death rates went down.

Turkey had just reported that they used the drugs of chloroquine with great success.

Iran reported the same exact thing.

Honduras is reporting the same exact thing.

The prevent it, health system in Brazil is reporting the same exact thing.

…in Marseilles, France is reporting the same exact thing.

Dr. Zelenko, Source

Hydroxychloroquine is Cheap and Therefore There Was No Financial Incentive to Promote It

There is a lot of political and financial incentives in this country to make this medication [hydroxychloroquine] unattractive. This is medication costs 23 cents a pill and the president of the United States [President Trump] supports it. So this has been a very orchestrated well organized effort to make this medication seem extremely dangerous, that it’s killing people.

Dr. Zelenko, Source

So let me tell you, I spoke to one of the top electric physiologist in the country and I asked him if he’s seen any complications, uh, from ever in his career from using hydroxychloroquine. And his answer was no. And he said something interesting to me that there are, there are around 3000 electrophysiologist. These are hard electricians, you know, uh, they’re the ones that deal with the main supposedly side effect of a drug, which is a QT prolongation, which may lead to supposedly fatal cardiac arrhythmias. So the specialty of medicine that deals with this problem is called electrophysiology heart electrician. So they’re around 3000 of these guys in this country. So he said that they have like a group, uh, I don’t know if it’s WhatsApp or whatever, but they can communicate with each other. And they were asking this question, you know, as anyone seen, uh, any complications and up to this point, no one’s answered yes,

Dr. Zelenko, Source

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