There are about 30 countries now that have treatment kits where they combine either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, plus an intracellular antibiotic, azithromycin, doxycycline, and then steroids, aspirin as a combination. 30 countries, we tabulate those in our December 2020 paper.
Dr. Peter McCullough, Source
The disappointing thing is that I’m sitting here in Texas. Two hours south of me by plane in South America, they’re handing out treatment kits, but the average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment for COVID-19. They get handed a test result. They’re given no treatment. They’re given no information, no access to research, no hotline. They’re given no follow-up. They’re told to go home, wait until they can’t breathe, and then go into the hospital, become hospitalized. Many patients never see their loved ones again. This is an absolutely horrifying experience. And two hours south of us, they would get a treatment kit from the government and they’d be eased through the illness.
Dr. Peter McCullough, Source
Favipiravir Helped COVID Patients in Countries that Used It
Hydroxychloroquine is Beneficial for COVID When Used Early
Ivermectin has been Beneficial for COVID Patients
There’s a tremendous variability in death rate, as we mentioned before, between all these other nations. What’s surprising is one of the incongruities or anomalies that we see is, in our country, it is black populations that are the highest mortality rates. And we can explain that maybe because of chronic vitamin D deficiencies in those populations. But in Africa there’s practically no deaths happening. How do you explain these huge anomalies nation by nation?
Dr. Peter McCullough, Source
But the unique thing in Africa is there’s widespread use of hydroxychloroquine. They use it for malaria prophylaxis, anyway.
Dr. Peter McCullough, Source
The BCG Vaccine Appears to Reduce COVID Cases and Mortality
When asked “How about Japan? Because Japan has an aging population. How have they done?” by RFK Jr., Dr. McCullough said:
Japan has taken an interesting approach. Now, they feature favipiravir as the oral antiviral, but they don’t use it at home so they tend to hospitalize. They have tremendous hospital capacity there. So, they start favipiravir very early, but they hospitalize patients and observe them. They may combine them with antibiotics, then later with steroids. But they have managed to keep their case count down and the mortality rate down, but they have very long hospital stays. Favipiravir, like the other antiviral drugs, whether this be an antibody infusion, hydroxychloroquine, or ivermectin, they work by speeding the clearance of the virus from the nasopharyngeal tract and also reducing the density of viral replication. Now, they don’t by any means cure the infection, but in my view, they do play an assistive role.
Dr. Peter McCullough, Source
About Hydroxychloroquine, Dr. Zelenko said this:
So the information exists. It exists on multiple, in multiple continents. I can point it out to you. Um, first of all, all of India is using it. I just found out.
Australia, there’s an Australian billionaire. His name is Clive Palmer. You can look them up. He’s worth four and a half billion dollars. He donated 32 million pills of hydroxychloroquine to the government of Australia and they’ve administered these medications in the hospital setting, but early, not to patients that are on respirators. They have some of the lowest death rates in the world. Look it up. Um, Italy, um, April 6th started using hydroxychloroquine and their death rates went down.
Turkey had just reported that they used the drugs of chloroquine with great success.
Iran reported the same exact thing.
Honduras is reporting the same exact thing.
The prevent it, health system in Brazil is reporting the same exact thing.
…in Marseilles, France is reporting the same exact thing.
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