Tag: Thomas Jefferson

  • Biden’s Simple Rule: Get Vaccinated. King George’s Simple Rule: Obey and Pay.

    I am pretty positive I can go back one year and show you guys some place I predicted this. Such a “Conspiracy Theorist,” though. Next, I guarantee, is “Papers, please! Show me your papers!” Only, it won’t be dividing those with yellow stars, it will be dividing those WITHOUT the government-issued passport, most likely digital, for now.

    Our free country is gone. Fear drives people to do things they never imagined they would do 15 months prior. Fear drives people to put ultimate trust in an entity that isn’t looking out for their best interest–in so many ways…

    It didn’t even take EVERYONE caving in to the fear to get to this point. Not even 50%. But the whole country is being impacted, because some people really still believe that our government’s job is to keep them “safe.” Our founding fathers were SO BRILLIANT, guys–if our government keeping us safe was really important for a good life, I guarantee you that they would have included it in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.Can you imagine? “Yup, King George, we’ll pay your taxes on tea, as long as you keep us SAFE!?”

    Nope, they wouldn’t have signed up. Welcome to tyrannical rule, again. What do they say, stop learning history and you’ll repeat it? I finally began to learn the depth of history when I started homeschooling, and realized how weak my public education was. I adore history now, and I want to learn more–please, supplement your public school education and read history! Now, I’ve heard, history, aka “social studies” is even weaker and the stories have been changed.

    Take a look at what these people had to say:

    We are now seeing what happens when a country does not know their own history. Friends, this isn’t going to be pretty. The censorship will increase. The “Party Line” will rule and everything else will be “fact checked” (oh wait–we’re already there). The indoctrination will become heavier. Most will begin to hate the “dissenters” because “they are the problem,” according to the message that is being shared.

    Please share this image and this post on social media:

    “In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?”Psalm 56:10-11