Concerns About Long Term Neurodegenerative Diseases Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine

I’ve been saying all along that we don’t know the long term effects of these vaccines. Anyone who denies this must be ignoring truth, because nobody has studied these shots over any significant amount of time, period. Sadly, I believe that we will see these effects trickling out, little by little, over years. Or not–we may see new diseases or an increase of old diseases, without any connections being made to these so-called vaccines. Money, which these vaccine manufacturers are making a lot of, has the alarming ability to hide TRUTH.

Well, thankfully this study was published! The article is titled: REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study. The study is a little more complicated to understand, but is titled: COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease.

Most of us haven’t heard of Prion Diseases (lucky us!), but unfortunately, we may hear more about them in the future. I did meet a woman one time whose husband had died of Mad Cow Disease, which is a Prion Disease. From what I know, they are scary and excruciatingly terrible to watch a loved one go through them. I imagine that, if the majority of people knew beef may be infected with Mad Cow Disease, they would avoid it. Welp, people, stop signing up for this experimental shot, because you may end up with a degenerative brain disease that will likely cause your demise.

According to Web MD, Prion Diseases are rare:

“Prion diseases are a group of different conditions that affect your brain and nervous system. They can cause severe dementia or problems with body control that get worse very quickly. They’re rare — the U.S. has only about 350 cases of prion diseases each year.”

I hate to predict bad news, but friends, I suspect that we will see an uptick in these cases. While you may not have ever known anyone with Prion Disease before, you may, in the near future. The question is, even though there is a study proving a connection, will the media, the oligarchs and the government ever admit this connection? Probably not.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Won’t Be Considered COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Even Though THEY ARE

The study states:

The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause
ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The
enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the
RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.

Reuters, of course, “fact-checked” this statement here and said:

According to experts consulted by Reuters, as of this fact check’s publication, evidence does not support this claim.

I beg to know, Reuters, what evidence? NO expert, anywhere, can tell us that these shots are 100% safe for every uniquely designed individual human body on the planet from now until the end of time. Making statements that claim that these vaccines are without a doubt, safe and effective, makes you a irresponsible and untrustworthy news outlet.

Pfizer, whose penny is on the line, also claims that the vaccine does not cause Alzheimer’s, ALS or other degenerative diseases:

A Pfizer spokesperson said: “There is no evidence” when asked by Reuters whether its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine had the potential to lead to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.


What the Pfizer spokesperson (who, I imagine, must be well-paid to spout these things?!) should have said was “There is no evidence yet,” because, really, how can they know?! The Pfizer vaccine gained it’s Emergency Use Approval from the FDA in December 2020. It’s only been five months. We don’t know what this experiment will do to people long term. (Well, we do know that it will be lining pockets of these big pharmaceutical companies, but what’s new?!)

Think of all of the Elderly People Who Got This Shot!!!

So many elderly people have been given the COVID vaccine shot, whether or not they knew what was being injected into their body or what it might do to them in the future. As of January 2021, just one month after Pfizer’s Emergency Use Approval, it is estimated that 2/3 of nursing home residents received the shot. (Source) What in the WORLD!? I believe, if these people were given shots without complete informed consent, that these were crimes against humanity, and that those who gave the vaccines and directed others to do so should be tried accordingly.

Here’s the deal, somewhere around 6 million people in America who are over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s “Normal” in the US (Not in every country, mind you. Alzheimer’s and dementia seem to be mostly an issue in developed countries.). If we see an uptick in Alzheimer’s cases, I doubt that many will blink an eye. Let’s keep an eye on this, though–will Alzheimer’s increase after the mass vaccination program of 2021? I suspect it will. But who will tie it to the vaccine? Probably only a few, highly censored voices.

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What is this, reason number 252,598,673 not to get the shot? Something like that. 😉


2 responses to “Concerns About Long Term Neurodegenerative Diseases Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    I love the new site. Keep up the amazing work.

    1. Verity Avatar

      Thank you Jennifer!

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