Warnings About Vaccine “Shedding” in Pfizer Trial

Advocates of the COVID vaccine say that there is no way that the shot “sheds” anything to innocent bystanders who didn’t want to be a part of the experiment. The Pfizer trial documentation eludes to the fact that the vaccine does, indeed, shed or transmit something.

They knew about secondary exposure to the shot AND that also, a man could be exposed to “the study intervention” (someone who got the shot) through inhalation or skin contact and then pass on that exposure to his wife at the time of conception and pose risk to their future child.

This document, from April 2021, is worth checking out for more information: IDENTIFYING POST-VACCINATION COMPLICATIONS & THEIR CAUSES: AN ANALYSIS OF COVID-19 PATIENT DATA

Also worth reading: Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

Do we, the unvaccinated, but naturally immune, have to avoid our vaccinated friends and family members in order to stay safe and healthy? Such a thought is devastating! While I disagree with the choice that these people made, I hate the idea of isolated or segregated groups of the vaxxed and unvaxxed. I’m praying that this is a temporary issue and not long-term.

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Be careful out there, friends!


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