Tag: Writing

  • Why I Share

    Please hear my heart:

    I have no intention of making friends who got the shot feel bad about their decision. I don’t want to make you afraid of the choice you’ve already made.

    If 35% of the adult population has received it, that means 65% haven’t–and many are on the fence. I speak to these friends who aren’t sure what to do.

    I don’t want to stir up fear. I believe that fear, stirred up, is what has led so many to choose the shot. I don’t think we should live in fear, for any reason.

    The truth is, nobody can tell you with any confidence that this brand new shot will never: cause cancer, degenerative diseases, birth defects, infertility, autoimmune disease, early death or have any other long term effects. Nobody can tell you with certainty that this shot will not impact those around you, like the children who live in your home or others you spend a lot of time with. (It doesn’t shed, but there are other mechanisms of spreading things, and maybe we don’t fully understand it yet.) The science is NOT settled here. There has been NO such science done, as there haven’t been any long-term tests done.

    It concerns me that there are news articles and even friends saying “The vaccine won’t do ___” or “can’t cause ___.” The honest answer is “WE DON’T KNOW.”

    I am VERY concerned about the amount of censorship and the amount of over-confident statements like this from the media. The censorship and the same-message-everywhere campaign makes the whole thing seem nefarious, honestly. I look for details, I research. When the media, or even the CDC, says confidently “It won’t cause ___,” I look for studies. When I don’t see any, yet they seem SO confident, I get pretty darn concerned. It looks like people are lying and making exaggerated claims….Why?

    Saying “I got it and I’m fine” is equivalent to saying “I got the virus and I’m fine.” The statement fails to recognize bio-individuality. Just because the shot was fine for one person does not mean their friend won’t get blood clots and die, sadly. YES, this IS happening. There have been 4,000 deaths from these shots so far. Again, I have no intention of spreading a spirit of fear, I simply desire to share information.

    The truth is, an actual vaccine contains the live or dead virus, and this contains neither. It should not be called a vaccine, and way too many people are being deceived into thinking it is. This ISN’T a vaccine. By our country’s laws, this shouldn’t have been approved for Emergency Use Authorization. We shouldn’t even be having the conversation of whether to get it or not right now, but here we are. So many decisions bypassed our laws over the last year…

    At the end of the day, we have a BIG, GIANT GOD who can heal all, cover all, care for all, no matter the path we choose and how we handle the virus. I trust Him. I don’t live in fear because of Him. I know I can’t put trust in my own immune system, any medicine, or any amount of prepping I can do to prepare for “end times” (I’m sadly, unprepared…don’t come to my house looking for food, unless you like mayonnaise, because I got way too much on an autoship order and I guess we don’t use it very often ;)).

    Nothing beats HIM and HIS strength and HIM watching out for us. And whatever He calls me to do, I will do–and I trust that He will protect me as long as I am supposed to stay alive. He is GOOD and He knows my days. And He knows yours. I hope you take comfort in that like I do. I don’t seek to create any kind of division. I seek to bring information that isn’t covered almost all over the media or social media.