Read that title again. I can’t believe I had to say that, in the United States of America! What right did these governors think they had to ban us from practicing religion freely? Are they above the Constitution? Apparently they think they are. Well, if you want to live in a state where you can worship freely, no matter what, this is your list. Note that many states banned large church services in the beginning, but some governors clung to that power much longer.
States Where Churches Could Meet Freely as of April 2020 (+3 points)
- Arizona R
- Arkansas R
- Colorado D
- Florida R
- Georgia R
- Michigan D
- North Dakota R
- Ohio R
- Pennsylvania D
- South Carolina R
- South Dakota R
- Tennessee R
- Texas R
- Utah R
- West Virginia R
States Where Church Meetings were Restricted to a Limited Number of Attendants as of April 2020 (-1 points)
- Alabama R 10 people
- Connecticut D 50 people
- Delaware D 10 people
- District of Columbia D 10 people
- Hawaii D 10 people
- Indiana R 10 people
- Iowa R 10 people
- Kansas D 10 people
- Louisiana D 10 people
- Maine D 10 people
- Maryland R 10 people
- Massachusetts D 10 people
- Mississippi R 10 people
- Missouri R 10 people
- Nebraska R 10 people
- Nevada D 10 people
- New Hampshire D 10 people
- New Mexico D 10 people
- North Carolina D 10 people
- Oklahoma R 10 people
- Oregon D 25 people
- Rhode Island D 5 people
- Virginia D 10 people
- Wisconsin D 10 people
- Wyoming R 10 people
States Where Church was Banned Entirely as of April 2020 (-3 points)
- Alaska R
- California D
- Idaho R
- Illinois D
- Kentucky D
- Minnesota D
- Montana R
- New Jersey D
- New York D
- Vermont R
- Washington D
States Where Churches Could Meet Freely as of September 2020 (+3 points)
- Alabama R
- Arizona R
- Delaware D
- Florida R
- Georgia R
- Hawaii D
- Idaho R
- Indiana R
- Iowa R
- Kansas D
- Kentucky D
- Michigan D
- Mississippi R
- Missouri R
- Nebraska R
- North Carolina D
- North Dakota R
- Ohio R
- Oklahoma R
- Pennsylvania D
- South Carolina R
- South Dakota R
- Tennessee R
- Texas R
- Utah R
- Virginia D
- West Virginia R
- Wisconsin D
- Wyoming R
States Where Church Meetings were Restricted to a Limited Number of Attendants as of September 2020 (-3 points)
- Alaska R 500 people or less
- California D 100 people or less, depending on church capacity, no singing
- Colorado D (Went backwards! No restrictions in April 2020) 50 people
- Connecticut D 100 people or less
- District of Columbia D 100 people or less
- Illinois D 50 people or less
- Louisiana D up to 75% capacity
- Maine D 50 people or less
- Maryland R 200 people or less
- Massachusetts D 50% capacity
- Minnesota D 250 people or less
- Montana R 50 people or less
- Nevada D 50 people or less
- New Hampshire D 50% capacity
- New Jersey D 150 people or less
- New Mexico D 25% capacity
- New York D 10 people or less!!
- Oregon D 50 people or less
- Rhode Island D 125 people or less
- Vermont R 50% capacity
- Washington D 50% capacity
With this information, which state would you like to live in?
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