States that had stay home orders for 0 to 50 days had an average of:
- 1,567 deaths per million
- 175 businesses permanently lost per million
States that had stay home orders for 50 days or greater had an average of:
- 1,625 deaths per million
- 217 businesses permanently lost per million
Stay Home Order Days vs Deaths per Million(States with this many days stay home orders have averaged this many deaths per million)
No Stay Home Orders avg. 1616 deaths
- 30 days or less, avg. 1739 deaths
- 40 days or less, avg. 1515 deaths50 days or less, avg. 1734 deaths
- 50 days or more, avg. 1476 deaths
- 60 days or more, avg. 1686 deaths
- 70 days or more, avg. 2078 deaths
I saw people saying that Governor Kate Brown, in Oregon, was following science and saving lives with her restrictions in some posts today….In reality, there was no connection between the days of lockdown and lives saved. A stay home order that was less than 40 days, on average, was better than a stay home order more than 70 days.