- Article: A Secular Sacrament: Why Mandates Violate Liberty of Conscience and Enforce a New Religion
- Article: Biden lashes out at America’s 80M unvaccinated, issues far-reaching shot mandates
- Article: ‘The Media is a Problem’: ESPN Star Unloads on Media Fearmongering Against the Unvaxxed
- Article: Skull and crossbones sign given to unvaccinated in rural India
- Article: Anti-vax Movement Listed by World Health Organization as One of the Top 10 Health Threats for 2019
- Article: Sydney’s unvaccinated warned of social isolation when COVID-19 lockdown ends
- Article: Unvaccinated NBA Players Will Reportedly Lose Salary For Games They Miss Due To Local Mandates
- Article: Will Americans Accept No-Fly List For Unvaccinated?
- Article: Pundits Inflate the Importance of Politics and Ideology with Regards to Vaccine Hesitancy
- Article: Unvaccinated NFL players will have a much, much more difficult season under new rules
- Article: Canada Now Has an Underground Church
- Article: Vaccination Status May Be Considered To Get ICU Beds At Dallas-Area Hospitals If Covid Spread Worsens
- Article: Broadway Vaccine Mandate: Audiences Must Be Vaccinated And Masked; Performers, Crew And Staff Required To Be Vaccinated
- Article: As Broadway Plans Its Return, ‘Hamilton’ Will Require Vaccines Backstage
- Article: Vaccination is the equation for a healthy, joyful graduation
- Article: Visitors May Need Proof of COVID Vaccination to Attend Air Force Basic Training Graduations
- Article: Cruise giant Norwegian threatens to skip Florida’s ports
- Article: Universal Studios Hollywood now allowing vaccinated out-of-state visitors
- Article: Unvaccinated Christian woman denied kidney transplant
- Article: Unvaccinated patients are getting kicked off organ transplant waitlists
- Article: Cleveland Clinic joins Colorado Hospital and says it will stop performing organ transplants for unvaccinated people due to fears of recipients being vulnerable to Covid
- Article: Federal vaccination rule will allow employers to charge unvaccinated workers for COVID tests
- Article: ‘Living with COVID-19’ plan criticized for discrimination against unvaccinated people
- Article: Report: Marking unvaccinated students hands at prom a ‘disturbing failure,’ but no laws broken
Scenario one: Mom goes into labor early. Dad is not vaccinated. She drives herself to the hospital and checks herself in. Dad spends his time driving around trying to find a place to get a covid test so that he can join her in the hospital. He cant find somewhere open for 2 weeks and can’t afford to pay for it anyway. Mom gives birth alone.
What socio-economic level do you think this is going to affect the most?
This is evil:
- Video: Biden’s Divisive Speech
- Video: Make Life Hard for the Unvaccinated
- Video: Hospital denies transplants to the unvaxxed
- Video: Maskless Man Arrested
It is truly becoming a red/blue issue:
- Article: Gallup: Strong Majority of Democrats Want ‘Proof of Vaccination,’ GOP 28% and Less
- Article: Blue-state colleges requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for return to campus
And it has become a Christian/secular issue:
- Article: A Secular Sacrament: Why Mandates Violate Liberty of Conscience and Enforce a New Religion
- Article: Hospital System Refusing Transplant On Christian Patient Who Is Unvaccinated, Is This Religious Bias?
And it has also become a racial issue:
- Article: Study: Black Americans, women, conservatives more hesitant to trust COVID-19 vaccine
- Article: Black Americans’ Vaccine Hesitancy is Grounded in More Than Mistrust
- Article: Addressing Justified Vaccine Hesitancy in the Black Community
- Article: Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy Among Black Americans
And it has become a gender issue:
In America, we have fought hard for these things: freedom to practice religion, equality among races and equality among genders. Now, Christians, black people and women are being denied the chance to earn an honest living, enter a movie theater and seek medical care. What have we come to?
This kind of division between vaccinated and unvaccinated people makes zero sense if you read the actual science and know that vaccinated and unvaccinated people are equally able to catch and spread the virus.
If all of America gets vaccinated, as President Biden hopes, how will we know which long-term cancers, demyelinating diseases and autoimmune diseases come from these shots? We won’t. And then doctors and government officials will claim that they are “perfectly safe,” only because they didn’t look for any signs of danger.