The PCR test is not accurate.

The whole diagnosis of COVID-19 has been dependent on one simple tool: The PCR Test. If the PCR tests are not accurate, then we can’t believe anything we’ve been told about this virus.

Most people bought these statements at truths:

  1. If you stick a swab up your nose and turn it in to your local pharmacy or hospital, you will learn, with reasonable accuracy, whether or not you have the virus.
  2. If you get positive test results, you have the virus, regardless of whether or not you have symptoms.

The fact is that PCR tests are terribly inaccurate, and there are several studies that prove it.

Please read this important information about the prevalence of the disease in a population vs the accuracy of the test:

According to the FDA, the accuracy of rapid tests depends almost totally on the amount of COVID-19 in the population being tested. “As disease prevalence decreases, the percent of test results that are false positives increase,” the FDA stated.

“For example, a test with 98% specificity” would accurately screen “just over 80% in a population with 10% prevalence.” More than “20 out of 100 positive results would be false positives,” they said.

The FDA added that “in a population with 1% prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease.” In an area with 0.1% prevalence, positive results from rapid tests would be right merely 4% of the time.

Evidence emerges that COVID tests are faulty. FDA and CDC admit as much

In November 2020, the CDC released this letter:

Potential for False Positive Results with Antigen Tests for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 – Letter to Clinical Laboratory Staff and Health Care Providers

Apparently, people are more likely to have a positive test around 2 pm.

Tests were most likely to come back positive when taken around 2 p.m., the researchers said in a pre-print paper published on medRxiv earlier this month. The skewed pattern “suggests a cyclic pattern in viral shedding, with a peak in the early afternoon,” they added.

Article: Coronavirus PCR test accuracy ‘may vary by time of day,’ new study finds

The study was published in March of 2021: Diurnal variation in SARS-CoV-2 PCR test results: Test accuracy may vary by time of day

This study, published in May of 2020: Interpreting a covid-19 test result , shows that nasal swabs may only be 63% accurate. Another, published in April 2020, found that the PCR tests showed false negatives 29% of the time. (Study: FALSE-NEGATIVE RESULTS OF INITIAL RT-PCR ASSAYS FOR COVID-19: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW)

This study Evaluation of COVID-19 Testing Strategies for Repopulating College and University Campuses: A Decision Tree Analysis, published in January 2021, found:

that PCR tests missed nearly half of all positive Wuhan virus cases among students tested for the virus one time.

Article: Coronavirus PCR test accuracy ‘may vary by time of day,’ new study finds

False positives are more common, though. This study was interesting:

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology determined that rapid tests with 98% specificity deployed in American schools could yield around 800,000 false positives every week.

How many documented “cases” and even “deaths” were due to these false positives? 

“Even, Tony Fauci told us, perhaps accidentally, that the tests are inaccurate.

PCR uses cycles to amplify something very small so it can be detected.  But, too many cycles and the test is inaccurate. So, the more cycles PCR uses the more inaccurate it becomes.  For Covid-19, Fauci said anything more than 35 cycles is inaccurate.

Fauci said:

“…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36… you got to say it’s just dead nucleotides, period.”

But, the FDA, which authorizes the PCR test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.

The FDA states:

“When all controls exhibit the expected performance, a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles (< 40.00 Ct). The RNase P may or may not be positive as described above, but the 2019-nCoV result is still valid.”

CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only  See pdf page 37. This document is marked, “Effective: 12/01/2020.””


Also important to note, PCR tests are not able to detect variants.
