Masks are not helpful and can be dangerous.

When Governor Northam of Virginia first announced the mask mandate, I researched and wrote this:

Governor Northam said that science is increasingly showing a need for masks, but that if we don’t’ have masks, even a bandana or a piece of cloth with rubber bands will do.

I’m not trying to be contrary, I just question the narrative I am told. I want to know what science he is talking about.

I first went to the CDC, here:

And then I read through every piece of evidence they list. The latest date of any study is March 19, like no studies have been done since then? And get this–not a single one of these studies mentions anything about masks or facial coverings. But, these are the studies being quoted to show that we need to wear masks. 

You can read them, too: Anectdotal story, not a study. Dated March 5. Dated March 19. Dated February 19. Dated February 21. Dated April 1, study ended March 16. Dated April 1, end date March 16. Dated May 1 from a March 16 study.

Here are studies that say “maybe” masks are useful:


The graphs look the same everywhere. Masks didn’t do a thing to “stop the spread.”

The “science” doesn’t make any sense:

From a package of masks I purchased. I bought adult and children’s sizes.

Use this if you need to:

Sometimes, in the middle of all of this craziness, it’s important to lighten things up and laugh a little.