- Study: COVID-19 and the Microbiome: The Gut-Lung Connection
- Study: Autoimmunity and COVID-19 – The microbiotal connection
- Study: Gut microbiota and Covid-19- possible link and implications
- Study: Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19
- Study: Lung microbiota and COVID-19 severity
- Article: Poor Gut Health Connected to Severe COVID-19, New Review Shows
- Article: ‘Microbiomes’ Might Influence COVID-19 Severity
- Video: The Microbiome and COVID-19, Dr. Zach Bush
- Video: COVID 19 and Biodiversity, Dr. Zach Bush
- Podcast: Proactive Amidst This Crisis, Dr. Zach Bush
- Podcast: Immunity and Obesity with Dr Tyna Moore