- Article: Israel’s vaccine pass will expire 6 months after the 2nd dose, meaning people will need booster shots to keep going to restaurants and bars
- Article: Was Israel’s decision to give everyone COVID boosters a shot in the dark?
- Article: Israel’s Public Health Chief Says Evidence Points to Waning COVID Vaccine Immunity
- Article: Was Israel’s decision to give everyone COVID boosters a shot in the dark?
- Article: Israel Prepares 4th Booster Against COVID-19
- Article: Israel’s Covid chief calls for fourth vaccine dose
- Video: Breaking Israel News – 1 Million Israelis are losing their green/pass because they refuse 3rd procedure!
- Video: Breaking Israel News! country wide protest over Gov’t tyranny!
Providers may be using Pfizer booster doses after the first and second dose were Moderna shots. The FDA states the following: “There is no data available on the interchangeability of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine with either Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine or Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.”
78% of Israel is vaccinated, mostly with Pfizer. A booster is not the answer. We will always be “chasing” spikes with boosters, but a little too late. The booster provides robust but specific antibodies to an obsolete strand of the virus. They do not help boost your immune system to fight other strands. They are like big strong football players that push your God-given immune system out of the way, knocking it to the ground–making you more susceptible…Scientists around the world have been silenced as they sounded alarms about the high risk of this very phenomenon. This has been a very dangerous experiment. We are about 1 month behind Israel as far as how quickly we rolled out the v to our people. Our spike will likely be like theirs in 1 month. The answer is NOT “everyone get the vaccine!” The answer is, everyone, everywhere, especially the vaccinated, actively boost your immune system with daily supplements. I am worried for friends I care about who got it. Delta escapes the vaccine and if we are 1 month behind Israel, more is coming…