Most people die “from Covid” in the hospital. Could it really be the hospital treatments that are killing them? CDC Mortality Overview: Place of Death
What the hospitals have done wrong, according to many doctors:
- They’ve denied oxygen
- They’ve used ventilators and at the wrong settings
- They’ve denied treatments that work
- They’ve used Remdesivir
- Study: Observational Study on 255 Mechanically Ventilated Covid Patients at the Beginning of the USA Pandemic 78.2% of ventilated patients died.
- Article: My Dad’s Story: C*vid Didn’t Kill Him
- Article: Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate and yet, as of Nov. 2021, this is still the procedure that is used regularly.
- Article: Study: Most N.Y. COVID Patients on Ventilators Died
- NIH COVID Treatment Guidelines: Oxygenation and Ventilation
- Video: Dr. Cameron Kyle Sidell ER physician, Maimonides Medical Center, NY This came out early in the pandemic, maybe in March 2020 or early April 2020. His video was removed from Facebook. Please watch and consider if you really think this should be deemed “misinformation.”
- Video: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Vs. Ventilators for Respiratory Virus -Response to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell
- Video: Is Covid-19 Causing Diffusion Hypoxemia? Direct Response to Cameron Kyle-Sidell
- Video: Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine
- Video: Pulmonary Nurse Speaks on COVID Protocols
- Video: ICU NURSE: “You’re being lied to about COVID.”
- Video: Tucker Carlson interviews Erin Marie Olszewski
- Video: “The Highwire” April 09, 2020 – Dr. Kyle-Sidell
- Video: Do COVID-19 Vent Protocols Need a Second Look?
- Video: Our First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital
- Video: The shocking truths about hospital treatment protocols with Dr Bryan Ardis
The Flu sends hundreds of thousands of Americans of all ages to the hospital every year, but only about 5 to 10% end up passing away. Source (CDC) The NIH has protocols to manage the flu, and early treatment for flu is recommended by the CDC. In fact, there is a CDC brochure about early treatment for flu. Conversely, the NIH recommendations for early treatment for COVID-19 are extremely sparse and mostly include a list of medications to not use even if they’ve been shown to improve a patient’s condition. The NIH guidelines do not even include the obvious therapies like Zinc and Vitamin D3, well supported by medical literature to decrease COVID symptoms. Even when the patient is hospitalized with COVID, few medications are used, according to the NIH guidelines. Then there’s the ventilator, which has been used too liberally and at the wrong settings. No wonder Some COVID patients around the world are refusing ventilators. That makes sense, because 80% of patients in NYC who were put on a ventilator ended up dying. So this begs the question, is it truly the disease that is killing these patients to the grave, or the NIH, CDC and ultimately, hospital protocols?