Every COVID Vaccine Trial: A Spreadsheet

You may be wondering, like I was, exactly how many vaccine trials happened all over the world and where they were. I am a little bit of a data nerd and I had to know. That’s why I spent hours. And hours. And hours. And hours–on this spreadsheet with every bit of vaccine trial information I can find.

I spent so many hours on it that I considered selling it–this is an incredible amount of data! However, I want this to be shared far and wide, so I am offering it for free, with an option to donate if you like. I can think of hundreds of posts to write on this site about all of the data I find, but I am only one human. If all of us take this same information and examine what was going on in the world, beginning in March 2020, maybe we can all solve some mysteries together.

One of those mysteries for me is:

How was Pfizer able to do Phase II/III testing in April 2020, when all other companies were on Phase I/II testing?

I mean, the majority of the world was still untouched by COVID-19 and we are still calling it Coronavirus. How were they already at Phase II/III? And, while we are at it, where was their Phase I trial? I can’t find that documentation, please tell me if you can! They had to have started it when barely anyone knew about the virus and it certainly hadn’t had a large death toll yet. It almost feels like an insider trading situation, where they knew what was coming…Help me research this and tell me what you find.


Why Did Countries in Central Asia/the Middle East and Most of Africa Appear to be “Hesitant” About Vaccine Trials?

As I scan down the spreadsheet and see which countries readily experimented on their citizens, I am struck by how few African and Middle Eastern countries participated. Turkey and United Arab Emirates experimented on their people pretty early, and South Africa was the exception on the African continent. The major countries that we hear about in the news in the Middle East did not test these vaccines on their people, or did not begin such experiments until other countries had tested them out for several months. Afghanistan had zero vaccine trials. Israel had two vaccine trials, and the first one began in December 2020. Why? What do they know that we don’t know?


Why Did Vaccine Trials Start When So Few People in the World Had Been Effected By COVID? And, Did the Trials Cause the Spikes?

I find it SO odd that the world had seen very few deaths or even cases when arms were being injected with these experiments. Why did so many thousands of people sign up, when most of us had only just heard of the virus? See these graphics I made:

If someone who worked on these vaccines can explain this to me, I would greatly appreciate it! (And when, exactly, were they doing Phase I trials and animal testing before that, etc., if they were injecting arms by March 16, 2020?). I’ve heard a lot of speculation from vaccine-supporters who didn’t work on these experiments, but I’d love to hear from one of the actual scientists. Someone said to me today “Well, they saw what was happening in Wuhan and prepared.” Wuhan is on these graphs. I got them from Worldometer and these are worldwide SARSCoV2 cases and deaths. Wuhan was a tiny blip! They were at an average of 13 deaths per day when the first person was injected. Why inject anyone for a disease that had barely done any damage?!

My big question is–how early were they preparing these vaccines (before March 2020) and how did they know this was coming?

Some Explanations For this Spreadsheet:

  1. I didn’t include Placebo/Control Group subjects in the number of people experimented on. My goal was to find out how many people were injected with an experiment, not with saline (or meningococcal vaccine, like many of the trials used for their control groups–which is a whole different subject!).
  2. I assumed the Placebo/Control Group was half of the total trial subjects, unless otherwise noted. This is actually a very conservative number, because most of the trials were not 1:1, or, equal between Test and Control groups. Many of the Placebo groups were quite small. Given this information, the total number of test subjects on this spreadsheet is smaller than the actual number.
  3. I couldn’t get a few trials from Iran. Iran didn’t start any trials until December 2020. There were a few trials for FAKHRAVAC and Razi Cov Pars in 2021 that I cannot get to open my computer. They give a big red warning, saying that my connection is not private. You can see the details about those trials on Wikipedia.
  4. Several of the numbers are estimates. The information I gathered was mainly from ClinicalTrials.gov, which includes information about each proposed trial. Sometimes an exact count of test subjects hasn’t been counted yet. ClinicalTrials.gov made it super easy to find the information, in the same spot, for each trial and get it into a spreadsheet. If I were to read the completed trials on Pubmed or in the Lancet, etc., I would have to sift through several words in order to get to the data for the spreadsheet, and I would not have found the trials that are still in progress (so many!).
  5. Some of the trials are longer than they appear. Some of the trials only take up one square (one month) on the spreadsheet, but this clearly isn’t accurate. Most of these trials were found on a trial site from another country and I had to use Google Translate in order to read the information. They didn’t always include an end date, unfortunately.
  6. Some of the trials include vaccines that go by different names. The vaccine names are confusing! Many were included in trials with a simple letter-number combination, like BNT162b2 (Pfizer) and SAR443122 (Sanofi) and ChAdOx or AZD1222 (AstraZeneca). I tried to pair up the letter/number combination with the title, but I may have missed some of these connections.
  7. I did not include trials that were “Withdrawn” or that the Location is not included because they have not begun. My goal was to capture where trials happened and how many people were injected. These trials wouldn’t have added to this information.
  8. I included intervention and observational trials if they were studying people who got the shots. To me, it didn’t matter whether the test subjects got the shots before the trial began or during the trial, either way, they were injected with an “experimental vaccine” (that’s what the trials say) and they were being observed. They were a test subject, and I wanted to count the number of people being experimented on.

Now, I want to share it with you!! But first:

If You’d Like to Donate, I Welcome That!

I pour a ton of research into this site and don’t make anything off of it. I haven’t wanted to set up ads or big affiliate accounts because I don’t want any companies telling me what to say. If you like what I have to share here and you appreciate this information, feel free to donate here:

Here it is!

This is a screenshot of part of the spreadsheet:

This is the link to the Google Sheet.

I’ve set the link to “View” but if you would like an editable copy, please comment below and let me know! I am happy to share this with other, research-minded, data-driven people who want to know what’s going on in the world.

PLEASES SHARE! And Give Credit.

I want this information to go far and wide! Save it to your computer. Save as a CSV file, save as an excel file, print it, do whatever you want. Feel free to share it on any website or any social media platform anywhere. Please do give credit though, and send people back here to this site, where they can get more great research and data!

Let’s Collaborate!!

If you’re a data nerd like me, can we make this information even more amazing together? I’d love to make another column to the right with the completed trial information. I’d love to perfect this spreadsheet in so many ways…What else can you think of? Comment below!