Do you know Jesus? It appears that we are living through End Times that were prophesied in the Bible.

The Bible says that in the end times, all nations will be deceived by “sorcery,” which translates to “pharmakeia,” which is where we get our words “pharmacy” and “pharmaceutical” today. All nations do seem to be deceived by the COVID vaccines.

The Bible also talks about a one world government in End Times, which Klaus Schwab, the banking industry and so many large companies are aiming for with the Great Global Reset.

If we are living through End Times, very difficult days are coming. Do you know Him? It is really important that you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior TODAY so that you are ready for what is to come.

Please read more about the Gospel Message and pick up a Bible and start reading God’s Word. Pray today! Welcome Him into your life. He loves you and He is waiting for you.

For more information about Bible prophecy and End Times, please watch Athey Creek’s Prophecy Updates.

For more information about current issues and the Bible, listen to Eastmont Church.

If you find yourself feeling afraid of all of the evil and corruption in this world, that is a clear sign that you need the hope of Jesus Christ. Will you trust Him today?